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Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Your colonized Cities

The difference between Age I Evony and Age II Evony is that human players cities can’t be conquered but colonised. In my opinion it is more accurate historically speaking because there is no nation that will die forever once it has been conquered. There will always be situations and outgoing strategies.

Concerning your colonised city

When you colonise a city you have the power to disarm the city to take a part of its resources and to suppress the city continuously . Don’t think that once you colonised the city you can forget about the city. A colonised city can be in the interest of other big cities or in the interest of itself for getting free.

Here is the hunch:

Colonised city is under its suzerain responsibility that means that if the colony is attacked the suzerain army is involved in defence or even in stopping the uprising.
Important : in the alliance war report an uprising result will appear as an attack of the suzerain so the alliance can’t help the suzerain unless the alliance is announced about the uprising before the final battle.

What to do?

1. check every day you colonised cities and be sure that they cannot upraise.
2. use everyday a suppression button for each of your cities to be sure that they will not have time to upraise
3. check the coords of each of your colonised city. If they are far away it is very difficult to control them so it is much better to abandon them
4. abandon in time the cities with law level of defence. This might be your weakness in your own defence
5. control your area all the time to see which castle or city would be interested in your colonies


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